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God's Timing Taking Long
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So, let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:3
''To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven'' — Ecclesiastes 3:3Click To Tweet God has a timing, just as everything in this world has its timing.  When a woman becomes pregnant, all that happens within her womb is timed and must follow a specified pattern from conception to delivery. The woman’s body begins to act in a certain way. No matter the morning sickness, the dizziness and the pain she goes through, she is expected to endure until the due time for delivery.   In the meantime, the woman’s body is garnering strength, food and resources for the coming baby. This waiting time is both for the development of the baby and the mother. At the due time (end of gestation) the baby pops out. In like manner, as we go through life, plagued with challenging issues on the work, family, or business, our challenges are only for a set time. There’s a set time in God’s calendar for that issue to end. Most challenges we go through are there to test our faith. To see what we put our trust in and to see how long we’ll keep believing God. Problems come to help us grow the fruits of patience and endurance. Read how God provided to offset our debts Patience is our ability to accept or tolerate delays, problems or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.   Just as a pregnant mother must feed well, rest, and be active in preparation for the baby, so must we continue to do the right things so that we are at the right place  God wants us to be at the set time in His calendar.   Interestingly, close to birth, the human body (nature)  actively starts displaying signs showing that delivery is near. In our lives too, God aids us in hard times so that we do not quit. He often will spur some events to happen to make us fully prepared. God may make us meet certain people that’ll inspire us. He may send someone to release a word of prophecy or a word of encouragement; He may send a message through the pastor, he may send someone to challenge us. And yes! like Hannah, someone to even spite us so that we feel ” I can’t take this anymore ” (I Samuel 1:3-7)

What should be our mentality when the wait takes too long?

1. Everything we go through is for a set season. Psalm 30:5 2. All challenges are designed to strengthen our patience muscle and build a solid faith in God. James 1:3.  Read how Mae’s faith changed after she had Leukemia 3. Difficult times should be learning points just as Moses used his peculiar challenges to learn and discern the ways of God. Psalm 103:7 4. Our attitude in difficult times proofs the genuineness of our faith.  I Peter 1:7 5. Our problems are a clue to an area in which we may have to serve others. Hence challenges are a training ground for our future service 6. The gestation time (waiting period)  for instance of a rat is less than a month, for a Leopard: a little over three months, and for an elephant: a little over  21months. Similarly, our gestation periods ( waiting time ) depends on the nature of the seed we are carrying. One question we want to answer is: When God’s time is set, will we have learned what He intended for us to have learned? Do you have some thoughts? Don’t forget to leave us a line in the comment box below. God Bless You!